The Unique Traditions and Rich Experience of the School of Architecture of the Fergana Valley

  • M. S. Zikirov Senior Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
  • D. R. Tursunova Assistant, Department of Architecture, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Fergana Valley, ensemble, courtyard scene, architectural sophistication, patterns, garden symbol


The folk masters of the Fergana Valley have inherited for the new generations the rich experience of the traditions of the local school of architecture of the late XIX and early XX centuries. This is particularly the case in the diversity of architectural planning and decorating methods. The masters of Fergana did not follow the path of blind imitation, but only adopted the methods they were familiar with as a means of guidance. The main task of the architects was to build comfortable, cosy, beautiful houses in all respects for living.

The folk masters of the Fergana Valley have inherited for the new generations the rich experience of the traditions of the local school of architecture of the late XIX and early XX centuries. This is particularly the case in the diversity of architectural planning and decorating methods. The masters of Fergana did not follow the path of blind imitation, but only adopted the methods they were familiar with as a means of guidance. The main task of the architects was to build comfortable, cosy, beautiful houses in all respects for living.


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How to Cite
Zikirov, M. S., & Tursunova, D. R. (2021). The Unique Traditions and Rich Experience of the School of Architecture of the Fergana Valley. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 2(12), 31-37. Retrieved from