The Prospects for the use of Energy-Saving Materials in Residential Architecture

  • Qosimov S. R. Assistant, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Building Materials, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
  • Ne’matov F. J. Master’s student of the Department of Architecture, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Keywords: energy-saving technologies, energy resources, saving electricity, residential buildings, infrastructure, communication


Today, the widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies and alternative energy sources in the economy, social sphere and construction industry is a key priority of the Government of Uzbekistan. In Uzbekistan, buildings account for 49% of total energy consumption, or 17 million tons of oil equivalent per year. Accelerated industrialization and sustainable population growth will significantly increase the economy’s need for energy resources, as well as exacerbate negative anthropogenic impacts on the environment. This article focuses on saving electricity and rational use of natural resources in residential buildings in Uzbekistan today.

Today, the widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies and alternative energy sources in the economy, social sphere and construction industry is a key priority of the Government of Uzbekistan. In Uzbekistan, buildings account for 49% of total energy consumption, or 17 million tons of oil equivalent per year. Accelerated industrialization and sustainable population growth will significantly increase the economy’s need for energy resources, as well as exacerbate negative anthropogenic impacts on the environment. This article focuses on saving electricity and rational use of natural resources in residential buildings in Uzbekistan today.


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How to Cite
R., Q. S., & J., N. F. (2021). The Prospects for the use of Energy-Saving Materials in Residential Architecture. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 2(12), 56-60. Retrieved from