Features of Architectural and Spatial Composition of Traditional Gardens and Parks of Uzbekistan

  • Tukhliboev B. S. Senior lecturer, Department of Architecture, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Landscape, garden-park, alley, climate, microdistrict, long-barreled


Landscape architecture, landscape compositions and landscape design tools - plants, geoplastics, stones, water structures, various architectural forms of evening (night) lighting. It is known that compositions of trees, shrubs, flowers are the main elements in the formation of landscape design objects. Lighting them at night has a huge positive psychological effect on a person. The soft light of the leaves, the unusually attractive silhouette of the bushes have a calming effect on the psyche of the viewer, distracting him from daytime worries. The organization of landscape groups of plants is also aimed at providing and creating the cosiness of this spectacle.

Landscape architecture, landscape compositions and landscape design tools - plants, geoplastics, stones, water structures, various architectural forms of evening (night) lighting. It is known that compositions of trees, shrubs, flowers are the main elements in the formation of landscape design objects. Lighting them at night has a huge positive psychological effect on a person. The soft light of the leaves, the unusually attractive silhouette of the bushes have a calming effect on the psyche of the viewer, distracting him from daytime worries. The organization of landscape groups of plants is also aimed at providing and creating the cosiness of this spectacle.


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How to Cite
S., T. B. (2021). Features of Architectural and Spatial Composition of Traditional Gardens and Parks of Uzbekistan. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 2(12), 66-73. Retrieved from https://cajad.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJAD/article/view/90