Features of Ceramics of Fergana Valley

  • Surayyo Alieva Doctor of Art Science, Institute of Fine Arts of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
Keywords: ceramics, semantics, ornamentation, epigraphy, anthropomorphic, glaze


The article deals with the ceramics of the Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan, which became widespread due to the development of trade and craft cities, which were the centers of this type of applied art, where technological innovations and new design techniques appeared.

The article deals with the ceramics of the Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan, which became widespread due to the development of trade and craft cities, which were the centers of this type of applied art, where technological innovations and new design techniques appeared.


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4. Khakimov A.A. Applied art of Uzbekistan: traditions and innovations. Tashkent. 2013.
5. Alieva S.Sh. Art glazed ceramics of Uzbekistan IX-XXI century. Tashkent. 2009.
6. Алиева, С. Ш. (2019). Эстетика исламской поливной керамики Узбекистана. Кронос: общественные науки, (2 (16)), 4-7.
How to Cite
Alieva, S. (2022). Features of Ceramics of Fergana Valley. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 3(6), 5-8. Retrieved from https://cajad.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJAD/article/view/129