Interpretation of Spiritual Complications at the Frontier of the National Cinema

  • Matyakubov Aziz Atanazarovich Doctoral student of the Institute of Art Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: theme of war, tragedy of the rear, spiritual complications, image, hero


The article deals with the interpretation of the tragedies of the rear in Uzbek feature films on the theme of the Second World War. The films “The Memory Grove” and “A Little Man in a Big War” were chosen as the object of analysis. In the course of the analysis, aspects of the coverage of the tragedy of the home front and the interpretation of the characters are considered.

The article deals with the interpretation of the tragedies of the rear in Uzbek feature films on the theme of the Second World War. The films “The Memory Grove” and “A Little Man in a Big War” were chosen as the object of analysis. In the course of the analysis, aspects of the coverage of the tragedy of the home front and the interpretation of the characters are considered.


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How to Cite
Atanazarovich, M. A. (2022). Interpretation of Spiritual Complications at the Frontier of the National Cinema. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 3(10), 53-58. Retrieved from