The Main Directions of Design of Modern Gardens

  • Shamsieva Rafaat
  • Gaybullaeva Mattar
Keywords: Modern gardens, petunia, calendula, Iris, urban, rural, intellectual, landscape, landscape design.


This article presents data and examples from the world experience of using various types of basic and modern trends in the design of modern gardens. When arranging modern gardens, the specific features and flora of garden species are explained in detail

This article presents data and examples from the world experience of using various types of basic and modern trends in the design of modern gardens. When arranging modern gardens, the specific features and flora of garden species are explained in detail


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How to Cite
Shamsieva Rafaat, & Gaybullaeva Mattar. (2023). The Main Directions of Design of Modern Gardens. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 4(4), 48-54. Retrieved from