Use of Contemporary Style in The Interior: Rules of Style

  • Mannopova Nilufar Ravshanovna Head of the "Design" department of the National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, Associate Professor;
  • Saidahmedova Latifabonu Sherzadovna. 3rd year student of the National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod "Professional education design - interior design"
Keywords: interior, comfort, ergonomics, functionality, decor, atmosphere.


         Today, there are hundreds of styles in the field of interior design, and every year new ideas are added to them by skilled designers. But as they become more complicated, they push the boundaries of comfort in this interior. For this reason, this article talks about the style that appeared under the influence of minimalism and its advantages.

         Today, there are hundreds of styles in the field of interior design, and every year new ideas are added to them by skilled designers. But as they become more complicated, they push the boundaries of comfort in this interior. For this reason, this article talks about the style that appeared under the influence of minimalism and its advantages.


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How to Cite
Mannopova Nilufar Ravshanovna, & Saidahmedova Latifabonu Sherzadovna. (2023). Use of Contemporary Style in The Interior: Rules of Style. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 4(5), 22-25. Retrieved from