The Role of the Representatives of the Traditional Singing Arts of the Ferghana Valley in the Development of Music Arts of the Republic and the Significance of Teaching Their Repertories in Music Culture Lessons

  • Rustamov Shakhzodbek Shukhratjon ugli Teacher of Namangan state university
  • Yusupov Oybek Ulugbek ugli Student of Namangan state university
Keywords: music, lesson, culture, art, performance, reader, work, analysis


This article provides detailed information about various methods of teachers to increase the activity of students in music culture lessons, creators of traditional singing art in Ferghana Valley, their activities and their role in the development of music art.

This article provides detailed information about various methods of teachers to increase the activity of students in music culture lessons, creators of traditional singing art in Ferghana Valley, their activities and their role in the development of music art.


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How to Cite
ugli, R. S. S., & ugli, Y. O. U. (2023). The Role of the Representatives of the Traditional Singing Arts of the Ferghana Valley in the Development of Music Arts of the Republic and the Significance of Teaching Their Repertories in Music Culture Lessons. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 4(5), 48-51.