The Feasibility of Songket Weaving with Pineapple Fiber to Be A Fashion Product

  • Agusti Efi Universitas Negeri Padang - Indonesia
Keywords: Innovation, Songket Weaving, Pineapple Fiber, Products, Fashion


Songket woven fabrics in West Sumatra, called Minangkabau Songket, are generally woven from cotton and silk threads. It is still used limitedly for traditional ceremonies and ceremonial events. For the Songket woven fabric to be accepted by the global community, innovations are needed, both in terms of materials and in terms of technique, and color. So this research is a test of the development of Minangkabau Songket woven fabrics with material innovation, namely the transfer of Songket woven materials with pineapple fibers. Pineapple fiber was chosen as a development test because pineapple fiber is strong and can be woven. The findings obtained in the field become a reference for the development of the Songket woven fabric innovation. Data were also obtained directly when the test was carried out in the field. Research results 1) The development of woven fabrics based on pineapple fiber is stated to be very strong and suitable as the basic material for Songket weaving. 2) The feasibility of innovative pineapple fiber woven fabric product is feasible as a development of the Minangkabau Songket woven fabric. 3) The feasibility of Songket weaving to become a fashion product, is very feasible to develop. Therefore, the innovation of Songket-woven fabrics by transferring materials with pineapple fibers can be developed into fashion products.

Songket woven fabrics in West Sumatra, called Minangkabau Songket, are generally woven from cotton and silk threads. It is still used limitedly for traditional ceremonies and ceremonial events. For the Songket woven fabric to be accepted by the global community, innovations are needed, both in terms of materials and in terms of technique, and color. So this research is a test of the development of Minangkabau Songket woven fabrics with material innovation, namely the transfer of Songket woven materials with pineapple fibers. Pineapple fiber was chosen as a development test because pineapple fiber is strong and can be woven. The findings obtained in the field become a reference for the development of the Songket woven fabric innovation. Data were also obtained directly when the test was carried out in the field. Research results 1) The development of woven fabrics based on pineapple fiber is stated to be very strong and suitable as the basic material for Songket weaving. 2) The feasibility of innovative pineapple fiber woven fabric product is feasible as a development of the Minangkabau Songket woven fabric. 3) The feasibility of Songket weaving to become a fashion product, is very feasible to develop. Therefore, the innovation of Songket-woven fabrics by transferring materials with pineapple fibers can be developed into fashion products.


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How to Cite
Agusti Efi. (2023). The Feasibility of Songket Weaving with Pineapple Fiber to Be A Fashion Product. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 4(5), 52-58. Retrieved from