The Structure of Kashkar Rubab, And Methods of Their Execution

  • Shokirkhanov Bakhtiyorkhon Botirkhanovich Teacher of Namangan pedagogical institute
Keywords: kashkar rubob, performance, sound, method, form, note


This article provides detailed information about the history of the creation of the kashkar rubob, the structure of the kashkar rubob and the strings and their tuning, and the methods of performing the kashkar rubob.

This article provides detailed information about the history of the creation of the kashkar rubob, the structure of the kashkar rubob and the strings and their tuning, and the methods of performing the kashkar rubob.


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How to Cite
Shokirkhanov Bakhtiyorkhon Botirkhanovich. (2024). The Structure of Kashkar Rubab, And Methods of Their Execution. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 5(1), 19-22. Retrieved from