Concerning the Opera 'Kumush' Composed by Mirhalil Mahmoudov
This article discusses the opera 'Kumush,' which features music by Mirhalil Mahmudov, a People's Artist of Uzbekistan and composer, inspired by the concept of Mirsodiq Tojiev, also a People's Artist of Uzbekistan and composer, with a libretto by Usmon Azim, a People's Poet of Uzbekistan, based on the novel 'O'tkan Kunlar' by the esteemed Uzbek author Abdulla Qodiriy. It examines the substance and nature of the opera, the distinctions between the novel and the libretto, and the musical portrayal of the characters crafted by the composer.
This article discusses the opera 'Kumush,' which features music by Mirhalil Mahmudov, a People's Artist of Uzbekistan and composer, inspired by the concept of Mirsodiq Tojiev, also a People's Artist of Uzbekistan and composer, with a libretto by Usmon Azim, a People's Poet of Uzbekistan, based on the novel 'O'tkan Kunlar' by the esteemed Uzbek author Abdulla Qodiriy. It examines the substance and nature of the opera, the distinctions between the novel and the libretto, and the musical portrayal of the characters crafted by the composer.
M. Mahmudov. 'Kumush' opera klavir
M. Mahmudov. 'Kumush' opera partiture
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