Similarities Between Indian and Uzbek Fabrics in The Study of Traditional Abrband Textiles

  • Mahliyo Xoliqova PhD., National institute Fine arts and Design after named Kamoliddin Behzod, department of Dizayn, Toshkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Ikat, Abrband, Textile Traditions, Silk Weaving, Dyeing Techniques, Uzbekistan, India


Textile production has played a crucial role in the cultural and economic development of societies worldwide. Among the diverse weaving traditions, ikat stands out as an intricate dyeing technique with a rich historical significance. The method of pre-dyeing threads before weaving creates unique, blurred patterns that reflect the artistry and craftsmanship of different cultures. The tradition of ikat weaving exists in various regions, including India and Uzbekistan, where it has evolved uniquely based on local customs and artistic preferences. While Indian textiles emphasize double ikat techniques and elaborate patterns in Patola silk, Uzbek abrband fabrics focus on vibrant color transitions and cloud-inspired motifs. Despite similarities in production techniques, the variations in design, dyeing processes, and material selection remain understudied. Although previous research has examined ikat weaving in India and Uzbekistan separately, comparative studies analyzing their similarities and differences in depth are scarce. The evolution of these textiles along the Silk Road and their cultural significance in different regions require further investigation. This study aims to explore the historical connections, design characteristics, and technical distinctions between Indian and Uzbek ikat weaving traditions. Findings indicate that while both traditions share fundamental dyeing and weaving techniques, Indian ikats focus on geometric precision and intricate double-dyeing, whereas Uzbek abrband textiles prioritize free-flowing patterns and vibrant color blending. This research highlights the unique regional adaptations of ikat, demonstrating how cultural influences shape textile design beyond technical similarities. The study contributes to the understanding of textile heritage, encouraging the preservation of traditional weaving methods while fostering cross-cultural appreciation of textile arts. Future research may further explore the economic impact of these textiles in modern global markets.


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How to Cite
Xoliqova, M. (2025). Similarities Between Indian and Uzbek Fabrics in The Study of Traditional Abrband Textiles. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 6(1), 23-26. Retrieved from