Analysis of New Assortments of Women's Dresses Made of Knitted Fabric

  • Nizamova Barno Baxtiyorovna Assistant, Department of Light Industry Technologies and Equipment, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Keywords: knitted fabric, assortment, classic, yarn, canvas, fur, leather, fur coat, coat, half coat


This article discusses the classification and types of women's dresses, a new range of clothes made of knitted fabrics. The types of clothes and the basic requirements for choosing a fabric are described. The structure, methods of preparation and technological features of knitted fabrics are also described.

This article discusses the classification and types of women's dresses, a new range of clothes made of knitted fabrics. The types of clothes and the basic requirements for choosing a fabric are described. The structure, methods of preparation and technological features of knitted fabrics are also described.


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How to Cite
Baxtiyorovna, N. B. (2021). Analysis of New Assortments of Women’s Dresses Made of Knitted Fabric. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 2(11), 4-8. Retrieved from