Study and Scientific Analysis of Clothing Colours

  • Xamroxujayev Baxtiyor Yaxyoxonovich Namangan institute of engineering and technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Keywords: psycho-physiological properties of colours, intellectual and social activities, physiological property of colours


In order to develop a large number of light industry products that have their own buyers in the market, enterprises should be offered proposals that will have a positive impact on the mental, intellectual and social activities of man. The article deals with the study and scientific analysis of clothing colors.

In order to develop a large number of light industry products that have their own buyers in the market, enterprises should be offered proposals that will have a positive impact on the mental, intellectual and social activities of man. The article deals with the study and scientific analysis of clothing colors.


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How to Cite
Yaxyoxonovich, X. B. (2021). Study and Scientific Analysis of Clothing Colours. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ARTS AND DESIGN, 2(11), 60-63. Retrieved from